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Lead With Audio and Repurpose Your Content From There

You might be spending a lot of time in marketing meetings, with multiple hours each week chewed up in aimless conversation. This is a common issue. In those meetings, you might kick around a handful of new blog topics, going around the table and suggesting ideas that could be the start of some helpful, authoritative content–or not!

Instead of trying to run right into your company’s blog with new ideas, try leading the content creation process with audio.

What does that mean? 

In this article, we'll explore how leading with audio content can streamline your content marketing efforts and deliver a bounty of new ideas for your team. Then, armed with insights from your audio work, you can make those marketing meetings much more productive and enjoyable.

The Rise of Audio Content

Untitled design (4)-1Audio content is only gaining popularity. You see this most readily in audiobook sales (drawing an annual growth rate around 10%) and podcast downloads (13%). Smart speakers have prompted the rise of “voice search,” giving content creators a whole new way to be found. At the top of news articles, you’ll often see an option to listen to the piece, convenient for users on the go.

Audio is everywhere.

Think about the last piece of audio content you listened to… Did it feel somehow more intimate? Did certain details stick in your memory, certain phrases that were spoken?

Audio provides a deeper sense of connection between the user and the content creator.

Even for the content creator herself, audio can be fuel for creating targeted ideas for further work.

Creating Compelling Audio Content

When we discuss “leading with audio,” we are referring to two main methods for doing so:

  • Interviews
  • Co-hosted commentary

You can easily accomplish either method with a small team and a simple array of technical resources and know-how. Audio might seem intimidating to the uninitiated, but it’s easier than you think!

Practical Steps to Get Started

  • Start by selecting topics relevant to your horticulture business. Schedule regular recording sessions and stick to a plan.
  • Invest in a good quality microphone and simple recording software. For a small budget, options like the Blue Yeti microphone and Audacity software work well.
  • Choose a quiet location with minimal background noise. Consider soundproofing techniques if necessary.

Interviews: Reach out to local garden experts, suppliers, or even loyal customers. Prepare a list of questions that will draw out valuable insights and interesting stories. This approach not only adds credibility but also enriches your content with diverse perspectives.

Co-hosted commentary: Two or more members of your team can identify and discuss pertinent trends in your industry. This can take place over a conference room table with a simple microphone setup or even via Zoom. The key here is to create an engaging dialogue that feels natural and informative.

While spontaneity has its charm, having a basic outline or script ensures that your content remains focused and informative. Plan your key points and transitions to keep the conversation engaging.

Repurposing Audio Content

One of the greatest advantages of leading with audio is the ability to repurpose the content into various formats

Here’s how you can maximize your content’s reach:

  • Blog Posts: Transcribe your audio content and use it as the foundation for blog articles. Highlight key insights, quotes, and discussions to create rich, informative posts.
  • Social Media Snippets: Extract short, impactful clips from your audio recordings and share them on social media platforms. These snippets can tease the full content and drive traffic to your main channels.
  • Infographics: Turn the data and insights from your audio content into visually appealing infographics. This makes the information easily digestible and shareable.
  • Video Clips: Pair your audio with relevant visuals to create engaging video content. This could be a simple slideshow, an animated video, or even a recorded video podcast.

Benefits of Repurposing Content

Repurposing content offers several benefits:

  • Reach New Audiences: Different people consume content in different ways. By offering various formats, you can reach a broader audience.
  • Improve SEO: Each piece of repurposed content can be optimized for search engines, helping you rank higher and attract more organic traffic.
  • Maximize ROI: Creating multiple pieces of content from a single audio recording maximizes the return on your investment in content creation.

Leading brands and content creators often use these strategies to great effect. 

For instance, a marketing podcast might be transcribed into a series of blog posts, each focused on a specific segment of the discussion. These posts can then be promoted through social media snippets and further enhanced with infographics that visually summarize the key points.

Addressing Potential Challenges with Audio

Starting with audio might seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. Here are some common challenges and how to overcome them:

  • Limited Time: Record short sessions regularly instead of long ones sporadically. Even a 10-minute discussion can yield valuable content.
  • Technical Know-How: There are plenty of online tutorials and resources to help you get started with basic audio recording and editing.
  • Fear of Speaking: Practice makes perfect. The more you record, the more comfortable you'll become. Consider starting with informal conversations to build confidence.

Measuring Success and Iterating

To understand the impact of your audio content, track key metrics such as listens, shares, and engagement rates. Use tools like Google Analytics, social media insights, and podcast platforms' analytics to gather data.

Regularly analyze these insights and gather feedback from your audience to refine your content strategy. Adjust your approach based on what works best, ensuring continuous improvement.

Integration with Existing Content Strategy

Integrating audio content with your existing strategy can be seamless:

  • Seamless integration: Use audio content to complement your blog posts, social media updates, and newsletters. For example, embed podcast episodes in related blog posts.
  • Content calendar: Incorporate audio content into your content calendar. Plan ahead to ensure your audio topics align with your overall marketing goals.


Leading with audio content offers a streamlined approach to content creation that can make your marketing efforts more efficient and impactful. 

By repurposing your audio content into various formats, you can expand your reach, improve your SEO, and maximize your content ROI. 

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