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The Strength of a Face: Why Having a Brand Spokesperson Is So Important


You’ve done the work—the endless hours of researching audiences, developing a website, cultivating business relationships, and building an online presence have led to measurable growth. But, you still feel like something is missing from your brand.

Reviewing your social media, outreach, and content marketing strategies reveals inconsistencies and a general “blah” feeling you can’t seem to shake. What other steps are necessary to bring everything together?

Here we see the pivotal impact of giving your company a “face.” As a professional with years of interacting one-on-one with potential and current clients, I understand just how much a personal “touch” can transform your entire company.

That initial impression of your brand can and should captivate audiences. Viewing your spokesperson as an extension of you can propel you toward unparalleled success and position you as an industry leader.

Interested in learning more? Join me as we explore how facing your audience (quite literally) can bring innumerable benefits.

What Exactly Does a Spokesperson DO?

A business isn’t just a product or service provider. Beneath your brand lies an interconnected web of individuals with the same values and goals. When combined, this team forms under one name, working together to assist their audience somehow.

In this system, everyone serves a unique role, all equally important to the success of the company. However, these people are generally behind office doors away from the public. Customers can then only associate your business with an intended use, not a physical person.

Enter our spokesperson. They bring the “human” element to your brand, encompassing your mission, identity, personality, and aspirations. Whether appearing in interviews or marketing campaigns, this team member presents you appropriately and consistently.

Here are just a few examples of what a spokesperson does for a business:

  • Attending local events
  • Responding directly to customers or press
  • Interacting with clients
  • Speaking at conventions or conferences
  • Hosting a podcast or webinar
  • Appearing in social media posts

Why Having a Face Is Integral to Cultivating Your Brand

A brand spokesperson opens your company to a world of exciting opportunities to develop credibility and relevancy within an ever-changing industry landscape. Trends come and go, but audiences can rely on you to be dependable and predictable.

In the business sphere, customers want to know what to expect every time they encounter a brand. Sudden, even slight, modifications can throw them through a loop, leaving them wondering what happened. Loyalty is built on stability, and your spokesperson can bring this key element to operations.

Ultimately, one face and voice across social media posts, website pages, local ads, and TV appearances gives your business life. No longer do audiences see you as an intangible and corporate entity—you are human, just like them! Connection drives long-term relationships. Use your spokesperson to leave a lasting imprint, one that sustains the test of time.

1. Creating Authenticity & Relatability

Humans are intrinsically drawn to other humans. Our brains view connectivity as the foundation of society, as everything realistically relies on mutual collaboration and discussion. However, you can’t contribute to this community when concealed behind a business front.

People often see corporations as one-sided or mechanical entities, much unlike themselves. A company spokesperson bridges this gap, placing you on the same level as audiences.

Customers can then interact with your brand as they would a peer, feeling comfortable sharing their opinions and relating to you. In turn, they are more likely to seek your brand over one without a likable, good-natured, and charming presence.

2. Establishing Authority & Expertise

Experience and knowledge are critical in every industry. Hypothetically, your business may know the most about a niche topic or provide the best services. Still, showcasing these stellar qualities becomes increasingly difficult when you lack the proper medium.

A spokesperson speaks on your behalf, transferring your wisdom to audiences. They can position your business as an expert in the field through effective delivery and speech. Now, you’re not just claiming to be credible—you’re backing up your words with evidence.

3. Standing Out Among the Crowd

As we all know, every person is unique. Why view your business in any other light?

Developing a brand-specific face can effortlessly set you apart from competitors. A product photo can easily blend in with the millions of others in the same category. Alternatively, a person with a certain eye shape, smile, or style is much easier to recognize, even in the infinite Google image catalog.

Customers can more readily recall aspects of a brand when everything is contained in one, measurable place. For instance, what do you imagine when you think about Apple? The logo may immediately come to mind, but what’s next? Steve Jobs, right?

His image is forever engrained in our perception of this brand, and for good reason. Steve Jobs was a personable figure who embodied everything about Apple—from the future-oriented mindset to the sleek attire (yes, turtlenecks are still cool). You can instill this same memorability with a well-trained spokesperson.

4. Fostering Consistency & Trust

Let’s do a visual exercise together. Imagine a close friend or family member. How do they look and sound? While they may change their hair color or style, are they generally the same person every time you meet?

Now, how would you feel if they abruptly started talking with an accent or going by a different name? Pretty surprised, maybe even annoyed or frustrated, right?

Apply this mindset to your business. Consider how audiences may respond to discrepancies, especially those relating to corporate policies, ethics, and prices. They may lose faith in you, meaning valuable relationships are lost to miscommunication between team members or differing personalities.

A continuous image with identifiable values, characteristics, and mannerisms is what forms your entire presence. Thus, we see the significance of a brand face. Audiences learn to trust this person, seeing them as a reliable means of meeting their needs. In fact, 67% of customers say this confidence dictates their buying purchases. Why buy from someone unreliable, flaky, or shady?

5. Elevating Customer Care

Your spokesperson should offer clients exceptional attention, care, and responsiveness. Whether on social media accounts, website landing pages, or email marketing campaigns, a human who customers feel comfortable approaching with concerns is essential.

For example, responding directly to LinkedIn comments as the brand spokesperson shows your business truly cares about each interaction. Or, seeing a signature at the end of an email helps ease any concerns about correspondence falling on deaf (or automated) ears. Essentially, a face generates a sense of community among audiences, with your spokesperson being the spearhead of contact.

What Traits Make a Stellar Spokesperson?

The “face” of your company can be anyone, even you. Of course, you want to ensure this person fits the bill. Their presence can ultimately make or break your brand, so examining characteristics is essential in the selection process. Remember, you’re building a reputation—being meticulous is not a bad thing here.

Here are key characteristics to look for when choosing a company spokesperson:

  • Agreeableness: Naturally, your spokesperson will represent your brand values and mission. However, they should also be open to feedback, ensuring audiences feel valued and appreciated.
  • Friendliness: A company face should recognize the fine line between acting like a robot or a doormat. They shouldn’t deliver the same rehearsed statement at every event. You also don’t want journalists or clients talking over them or swaying the discussion. Marrying professionalism with empathy, humor, and warmth is ideal.
  • Level-headedness: Some client meetings, interviews, or public appearances can go unexpectedly, and tempers may rise. An emphatic brand face understands how to mitigate such events before they escalate into bigger issues.
  • Knowledgable: Your spokesperson knows the company like the back of their hand. No question can phase them—from general operations to sales, their brain is like a library of brand-specific information.
  • Even-keeled: A relaxed, calm energy radiates expertise and authority. Even in the most chaotic situations, your spokesperson should understand how to maintain composure while representing your brand.
  • Concise: A strong spokesperson knows how to keep conversations terse (in a good way). They get your message across accurately and timely without getting sidetracked by irrelevant discussion.

I’m Not the Spokesperson—Can I Train One?

As a business owner, you’re likely swamped with the endless responsibilities of sustaining daily operations. While you may want to be the brand spokesperson, you may simply be at max capacity. Now you’re left with the task of teaching someone to be “you.” Perhaps you’re scratching your head thinking, “Is that even possible?”

You’ll be happy to know that yes, you can create a reputable identity and unique personality without being at the forefront.

An awesome spokesperson may already be on your team, ready to take on the challenge! Other times, a new hire specifically dedicated to “facing” can help ensure internal operations continue running smoothly while boosting external outreach.

I recommend incorporating these elements into your training process:

  • Interview skills: Any favorable buzz from in-person appearances can be astronomical for raising brand awareness. Mock interviews are an excellent way to help your spokesperson prepare for real or hypothetical events, such as press conferences, podcast collaborations, or expert discussion panels.
  • Presentation skills: Ah, presenting. Mastering this art is not for the weakhearted. Ensure your spokesperson feels comfortable when conveying the brand. Teach them positive body language, like eye contact and interactive gestures. Additionally, equip them with in-depth knowledge about your audience so they can tailor language to meet needs and expectations.
  • Critical thinking: Foster creative, rapid thinking with problem-solving exercises, group activities, and brainstorming exercises. Encourage your brand face to ask questions, no matter how silly they may sound. Remind them that you won’t be around if tides change during events—they should know how to respond accordingly.
  • Message development and delivery: Direct your trainee on how to craft messages that perfectly convey brand positions, objectives, and operations. Provide them with a portfolio of everything from color schemes to your favorite coffee chain. Just kidding about the last part, but I want to stress the importance of thoroughness here.

Take the Next Step: Become a Leader With a Powerful Face

In conclusion, I hope you can walk away with an idea about your perfect spokesperson. Pinpoint exactly how you want to see yourself represented in the media and among customers. Spend time finetuning this image, and don’t be afraid to get nitpicky! In the end, this face can elevate your brand to the next level and beyond.

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