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Build Your Winning Content Marketing Strategy Bracket

Cue the music: It’s every college hoops fan’s – or, wait – it’s every content marketer’s favorite time of year!

Content Marketing March Madness is an exciting tournament where 32 of the most engaging content formats battle it out for supremacy. Arranged much like the other March Madness tourney, these contenders span four main categories: Written Content, Visual Content, Audio Content, and Interactive Content.

Check out the full bracket.

No major surprise here: Tournament favorite and 1-seed “Blog Posts” took home the trophy for our first-ever Content Marketing March Madness!

This tournament is designed to spark dialogue among content marketing professionals about the effectiveness and impact of various content formats. Through each round of voting, participants will vote for their preferred formats (the formats that, all things being equal, are the most effective tools in a content marketing strategy) and along the way gain deeper insights into how these tools can amplify their marketing strategies.

Content Marketing March Madness is an opportunity to reflect on how different formats can amplify your message and captivate your audience, and distinguish your brand. Let the games begin!

The Written Content division features these eight content format matchups:

1: Blog Posts

8: Testimonials and Reviews

2: White Papers

7: Interviews

3: Case Studies

6: Guides and How-Tos

4: Ebooks

5: Email Newsletters

The Video Content division has some up-and-coming stars, including these formats:

1: Infographics

8: Flow Charts


2: Data Visualizations

7: GIFs


3: Photography

6: Memes


4: Product Demos

5: Explainer Videos

The Audio Content division features these formats:

1: Podcasts

8: Meditation and Wellness Tracks


2: Audiobooks

7: Customer Testimonials


3: Educational Series

6: Text-to-Audio


4: Behind-the-Scenes Insights

5: Live Audio Streams

The Interactive Content division features these formats:

1: Webinars

8: Games


2: Workshops and Courses

7: Virtual Reality Experiences


3: Quizzes and Polls

6: User-Generated Content Campaigns


4: Surveys

5: Contests and Giveaways


The first round will be open for voting until 11:59 p.m. ET March 22, as we try to keep up with the actual NCAA tournament.

The second round ends at 11:59 p.m. ET March 29.

The third round, where we’ll see the Final Four meet in two incredible showdowns, will wrap at 11:59 p.m. ET April 1.

The championship matchup will finish at 11:59 p.m. ET April 8, so get your last vote in during the basketball game!

Photo by Jacob Rice

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