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Customer Testimonials: Why They’re Important & How to Use Them

Customer Testimonials

As a B2B company, customer testimonials can make the difference between success and missed opportunities. Many potential clients research and evaluate reviews before even considering partnering with a brand.

Yes, testimonials are attractive, but they also position you as a trustworthy, authoritative, and “human” presence amid the crowd. Not every business receives a standing ovation from customers—being that one person who brings a wealth of support and success to the table offers unparalleled opportunities.

Customer Testimonials Matter

Customer testimonials are a symbol of your brand. In any industry, especially the B2B space, they are the best marketing message you can send. Verbatim feedback from a client who 1.) pays you money and 2.) trusts the service you provide speaks volumes about who you are as a business. People will notice any time you present an advantage to an organizational, executive, or sales side.

1. Enhanced Brand Perception

Positive reviews demonstrate how you’ve benefited clients, from day-to-day operations to revenue generation. You gain brand trust and recognition in the market when clients express how grateful they are for your work and dedication to their betterment.

2. Higher Conversion Rates

Remember, people talk.

If one of your partners becomes an ambassador for your brand, those in their close circle will know your name and associate you with profitableness. In the end, they’ll connect the dots between the awareness and purchase stages much quicker if they already know you’ll bring them success. Essentially, this favorable awareness translates to higher conversation rates for you.

3. Emphasizing Your “Humanness”

Clients only want to work with brands they can trust. They need to know a real person exists behind that phone call, email response, or sales pitch. Jamming product launches and discounts down their throat is no way to accentuate your strengths and unique qualities. Instead, you appear driven solely by money with little interest in their development.

Testimonials bring that necessary level of “human” to your brand. Having current clients provide honest insight about your services and products goes so much further than any sales message or data. And, because prospects come from similar positions, they recognize the weight of positive feedback. No company would waste valuable time sharing their experience with a brand if they didn’t truly view the relationship as advantageous and genuine.

4. Nurturing Long-Term Relationships

Clients can pick up on superficialities. They look for signs of a company that plans to stick around through the thick and thin. They need to know they can continuously rely on a provider, regardless of market conditions. Customer feedback plays a monumental role in this determination.

Imagine reading a review from a client who spent the last 20 years working with a business. Naturally, you’d assume this business nurtures and invests in partnerships—they put in the work of maintaining communication, meeting deadlines, and collaborating with the team.

5. Learning Opportunities

I always recommend asking clients questions about their pain points and looking for ways to solve those issues. Testimonials offer the same opportunity to become the best version of yourself.

Hearing from existing partners about their perception of your services, deliverables, strengths, and weaknesses helps you finetune your craft. Ultimately, you should never stop seeking improvement.

Where to Use Those Valuable Testimonials

Your clients are the cornerstone of your business—their role in your success should be celebrated. What better way to show true appreciation than including them in your future endevors?

Find ways to insert customer testimonials into your marketing strategy. Of course, don’t make this element the sole theme of your efforts. Dedicating just one page of your website to reviews can add unquestionable proof of your relevancy within your niche industry.

Better yet, find clients who feel comfortable in front of the camera. Ask if they’d be willing to record their feedback for use in social media posts or video marketing campaigns.

The process doesn’t need to be overly complicated or professional—just roll with whatever clients provide. Whether a three-word statement like, “This company rocks,” or an entire background story, make the most of this content and the efforts they put forth.

Here are places where customer testimonials can make a difference:

Garnering Feedback for Future Success

Don’t be afraid to ask customers for feedback directly. Have sales or communication reps reach out for quotes or a relaxed conversation about their experience. Alternatively, you could post a form on your LinkedIn or website.

I think the biggest hindrance for many B2B companies is the fear of rejection or pushing for favors. However, the reality is that most people are more than happy to praise something they value and respect—the same is true for business partners.

What Our Customers Say About Us

At Encore360, we take pride in providing our clients with top-quality services, attention to detail, personalization, and authentic communication. Their success is our success, and we value any opportunity to spotlight their stories.

One of our partners, Jamie English with Integrated Water Services, graciously provided us with this awesome review. She says, “Your responsiveness has been excellent, from everybody on your team. Anytime I’ve had any question or concern about a timeline, I’m not waiting. From the perspective of your customer, that just really makes me feel so relaxed about the process and the relationship. I don’t know what I would do without you guys, to be honest.”

So, while customer testimonials like this are important for business, they’re also pivotal for measuring your own development. Knowing you’ve left a positive impact on someone and their business can be all the motivation you need to continue being a valuable industry resource.

In Conclusion

The benefits of customer testimonials are endless. Leverage these assets to enhance your brand across the board, from sales to marketing campaigns. Remember, personal firsthand experiences are the loudest, most credible promotional tools available to you. You can never have too much support.