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8 Fundamentals of Developing a LinkedIn Marketing Strategy

LinkedIn Strategy

As we all know, LinkedIn differs dramatically from the person-to-person experience that comes with traditional self-promotional efforts. Interacting with other field experts at tradeshows, planned networking events, or conferences offers an exceptional opportunity to truly connect with your peers and potential partners.

However, unlike most social media platforms, LinkedIn was designed for business and professional development. Here, brands can establish relationships, advocate for their mission, and create a personality among like-minded individuals.

But, succeeding in the digital realm housing millions of competing brands can be incredibly challenging when ill-equipped. Consequently, savvy businesses have learned to conquer algorithms and SEO barriers to increase visibility and reach larger audiences.
How then can you follow suit and instill a sustainable, reputable online presence?

Join us as we explore eight tips for crafting an effective LinkedIn strategy to help you thrive as a thought leader in your industry.

What Is a LinkedIn Content Marketing Strategy?

Many businesses have gravitated toward LinkedIn as a promotional tool. With LinkedIn marketing, brands can target distinct audiences, post jobs, publish valuable content, network, and position themselves as an idea innovator.

Why Is Having One Important?

Akin to other avenues of online creation, LinkedIn marketing can be an invaluable asset to businesses. LinkedIn reported a $1.7 billion annual revenue from Premium subscriptions–this number alone speaks volumes about how many brands are catching on to the potential benefits.

Check out these perks of LinkedIn marketing:

  • Raising brand awareness: When peers share, like, or interact with your content, all of their connections will then see your post in their feed, too. In turn, you vastly augment your audience, potentially opening doors to new partnerships and industry opportunities.
  • Generating leads: Because of increased visibility, you have substantially more opportunities to attract new leads.
    Networking: You can easily connect with others in your field on LinkedIn. Simply searching for a particular professional role, location, or specialty can put you in touch with innumerable prospective clients, funding entities, and employees.
  • Establishing trust: Consistently providing reliable information on LinkedIn can highlight your expertise and experience in your niche market.

8 Practical LinkedIn Marketing Tips

LinkedIn can serve many purposes, whether looking to locate stellar hires, cultivate a memorable brand personality, or diversify your professional circle.

Still, you can’t simply enter the field armed solely with will and high hopes. Begin with a well-thought-out agenda that accounts for your aspirations and unique identity. Remember, you’re not trying to blend in with the crowd–effective marketing is about differentiating yourself by accentuating your strengths as a brand.

1. Conceptualize Your Goals

You can’t develop a LinkedIn strategy without first establishing your end goal. For example, posting informational and educational material specific to your industry can help boost EAT. In other cases, more in-depth, research-backed content can drive interest from other businesses.

From there, you can determine the types of media you plan to produce. LinkedIn allows you to post just about anything, so get creative! Regardless, prioritizing quality over quantity is always the way to go.

2. Amp Up Your Profile for SEO & Brand Representation

Step up your game by fully optimizing your LinkedIn profile. Don’t skimp on the details–fill out each available tab with information about your brand, products, mission, and other social media accounts.

Provide a look into your day-to-day operations by highlighting the benefits of working with you, employee testimonials, job opportunities, and the like. The more positivity you emit, the more likely readers will want to connect with you.

Moreover, extensive data forges additional opportunities to incorporate keywords related to your field. In turn, targeting your exact audience with tailored keyword-specific content promotes traffic flow and visibility–not only on LinkedIn but also on general search engines.

3. Know Your Audience

Who are you attempting to reach and convert with your LinkedIn strategy? The answer to this question will inevitably set your content creation direction moving forward. Learning more about your audience can provide critical clarity into what will and will not work when developing your brand.

Here are a few ways to recognize your audience:

  • Familiarize yourself with current client demographics: Scroll through your list of existing customers to identify similarities between them. Does the majority work in your niche field? What common difficulties or setbacks do they report in their roles? Use this data to select areas of outreach to branch into.
  • Ask the source: What better way to gain intuition about your audience than asking for their feedback directly? Start a thread on your profile requesting their honest opinions about your direction. Let them express their needs freely as they share thoughts on the content they want to see from your brand.
  • Use analytic tools: Automation has come a long way over the years. Businesses can easily compile an audience profile, complete with locations, industry roles, and interests.
  • Engage with established LinkedIn groups: LinkedIn is home to thousands (perhaps more) of groups that brands can involve themselves in to read first-hand commentary from audience members. For instance, cannabis cultivators may benefit from joining a private forum of distributors.
  • Explore emerging market trends: Consider conducting a trend analysis to pinpoint current customer preferences and behaviors. Doing so can ensure you avoid falling for short-term fads, opting instead for the most relevant growth opportunities.

4. Only Post Valuable, Relevant Content

Don’t underestimate the importance of authentic, authoritative, and evidence-based content. Consistently distributing relevant media will ultimately place you as a credible source of information, advice, and even entertainment in your industry.

In the same way, holding your brand to the highest standards enhances the audience experience, thus sowing a positive brand image. As they continually receive useful material applicable to their needs, customers will naturally gravitate toward your LinkedIn profile to answer their burning questions (and hopefully pursue business opportunities with you).

5. Enlist Additional Help

If your employees are active on LinkedIn and willing to help, find ways to involve them in your strategy! Offer them a role in content creation and encourage them to offer insight into their daily work activities.

Maybe one of your team members enjoys video marketing and expresses interest in producing an exciting behind-the-scenes reel for your profile. Or, your on-site Canva guru wants to stretch their skills by getting crafty with infographics. Even simpler, listing you as an employer in their personal profiles and interacting with the business page can be beneficial!

6. Be Yourself!

The key to becoming a distinct brand is being human and authentic! Keep things real with your audience–share your challenges, wins, and everything in between to foster a true, deep connection.

Be patient with yourself, too. Tackling the LinkedIn marketing colossus can be daunting, and your efforts may seem fruitless some days. However, keep a steady pace and imagine how great you’ll feel after seeing the positive results at the end!

7. Engage With Your Audience

LinkedIn is a marketing hub, teeming with endless opportunities to make meaningful, long-lasting connections. Why skip out on this chance to join in on inspirational conversations, all while constructing a name for yourself among peers?

Take an active role in your profile. However, merely responding to comments is not sufficient in the marketing world. Spend time toasting friends’ successes, reposting relevant content, reaching out directly to potential leads, and spotlighting client stories.

These efforts will pay off in the end, as you clearly express a genuine interest in becoming a personal, empathetic, and relatable entity in your niche field.

8. Monitor & Track Progress

As with any facet of business ownership, LinkedIn marketing strategies are a work in progress. Nothing is stagnant online, and the landscape is constantly adapting to new technologies and industry demands.

Instead of falling behind and losing traction among audiences, regularly track engagement, page views, impressions, and other metrics. This data can show you where your current strategy excels and where you may benefit from revision. You also have tangible results of progress to use for case studies or simply boost your mood on tough days!

Consistency Is Key With LinkedIn Outreach

As with learning a skill, marketing on LinkedIn is not as simple as checking a task off your to-do list. Rather, stable progress stems from consistent efforts and dedication. While you may not immediately turn profits and conversions, keep in mind where business industry leaders first started and how far they’ve come.

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